(English follows)
Fruit Tree Nutrition is die privaat dieetkunde praktyk van my, Caroli Schoeman RD (SA). Ek is ‘n kind van die Lewende God wat my krag gee en die Lig is vir my pad. Ek is passievol oor lewenskwaliteit en gesondheid in elke aspek van die mens – liggaam, siel en gees. Ek wil kliënte help om weer ‘n gesonde verhouding met kos en hulle liggame te ontdek.
By Fruit Tree Nutrition konsulteer ek vanuit ‘n gewig-neutrale oogpunt, wat bekend staan as ‘n Non Diet Approach to Dietetics. Ek glo gesondheid begin by hoe jy dink oor wat jy eet en hoekom jy eet.
Bogenoemde impliseer dat die maatstaf van sukses nie aan gewigsverlies gemeet word nie. Die sukses lê eerder in die kliënt se gedagtes en optrede wat ten goede verander teenoor kos of eet, asook hoe ‘n individu hom – of haarself sien. Gewigsverlies kan nie gewaarborg word nie, maar wel dat die kliënt se gewig sal stabiliseer op ‘n punt wat dit vir die individu se liggaam gemaklik en volhoubaar is. Hierdie aanslag het ook ‘n positiewe effek op bloedglukose en –cholestrol waardes.
‘n Lae liggaamsgewig kan nie direk gekoppel word met gesondheid nie. Inteendeel, individue met ‘n hoër liggaamsgewig kan ook gesondheid geniet. Ek glo ‘n gesonde dieet sluit ‘n verskeidenheid kossoorte en buigsaamheid in koskeuses in.
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain…” John 15:16
Fruit Tree Nutrition is the dietetic private practice of Caroli Schoeman. I am a child of the Living God who gives me strength and is the Light to my path. I am passionate about quality of life and the wellbeing of my clients in every aspect of being – body, soul and spirit. My aim is to restore the relationship a client has with food and their body.
WHY a person eat and HOW a person thinks about their food and themselves is of great importance to me. Therefore, I follow a Non Diet Approach to Dietetics when consulting clients. The implication of the Non Diet Approach is that success is not measured in the amount of weight lost. Rather, success is achieved when a client made a mindset and behaviour change with regards to food and eating habits. An individual can expect their body weight to stabilize at a comfortable and sustainable point. When applied, the principles of the Non Diet Approach can positively affect blood glucose, -lipid and blood pressure.
I believe that the most important role of food and nutrition is to nourish your body and SOUL! So very often, the joy of eating gets lost in the attempt to achieve a certain body weight. Health can be achieved at all body sizes, and not just when you have a low body weight. To me, a healthy diet consists of a variety of food and flexibility in food choices.
#Holistic dietetic counselling #MindfulEating #NonDietApproachtoDietetics #Weight-neutral practice
Practice nr: 0659223
B.Sc. Dietetics (NWU)