Accelerated schools is a private school in Denver offering K-12 classes for gifted students as well as those needing remedial help in the classroom.
Accelerated Schools is an accredited private school in Denver, CO with an average class size of 7:1. Each student is enrolled with an individualized academic plan of instruction, relevant to their individual needs. This allows our students to be prepared for the next level without the need for remediation.
At Accelerated Schools we offer High School, Middle School and Elementary School classes with open enrollment. Any student may begin classes, any day, year-round. If you find that your child has fallen behind for any reason, we are able to help. Our student-teacher ratio of 7:1 will give them the academic attention they need. Our students receive no failing grades and the effectiveness of our program(s) has proven itself year after year, since 1966. If students are lagging in any given subject, the teacher emphasizes the curriculum in that skill until they meet the mastery requirements for that subject. Again, we accomplish this because of our small class sizes of 7:1 and the individualized academic plan.
Accelerated Schools offers tutoring services, as well. If you are looking for ACT, SAT or Tutoring help, visit our Programs page to see how we can meet your needs.
Accelerated Schools exists to provide a unique and alternative approach to learning, emphasizing the following:
Individualized K-12 learning based on each student's knowledge, skills, and circumstances
A daily reward system to provide motivation
A daily report card so that students and parents know where they stand
Creating capable writers
Introducing students to modern technology
Creating an environment that minimizes distractions and significantly increases time-on-task in the classroom
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