Private school home to the Darussalaam Community. Ranks among the top 100 schools in the country. Strict uniform policies as any other private school. Great learning environment.
Prayer services for students. Very Old building does need repairs from time to time. Parking for staff in the front and back and the side. Drug and smoke free zone.
Not public property so avoid trespassing when not in session.
8 years ago (25-02-2018)
Al-Huda School is a great School for Islamic Education in the DC Metro area. The community is highly focused on Islamic Education for K-12 and they are now journeying into College education that will likely also receive Regional Accreditation. The tuition is $2000 higher per year over competing Islamic Schools in the region (Al-Rahmah School, Baltimore, MD) which is run by the Islamic Society of Baltimore, but it's a much larger school population. You will find a broad selection of students distributed across the student body (e.g. African, Arab, Pakistani, American, Asian, and Indian). This may be the general dynamic of the local community, but the very high tuition is probably the reason for a less dynamic student body from K-12 at times.
Al-Huda School had a very high tuition which is a significant cause for concern for families not grossing more than $75,000 a year annually. If you have more than 1 child, Al-Huda is extremely costly. Additionally, the school has a number of fees and ancillary costs that are not factored into the tuition (trips, fundraisers, aftercare fee's). This serves to further increase the costs. The $10,000,000 price tag of the new school project (which Howard County residents fought against the school to build and won) did not materialize; however, it seems that parents and community are incurring the brunt of these costs since it seems that the school is not taking advantage of Department of Education grant programs and relying solely on donations which can make funding very difficult at this price cap. However, the last fund raiser did raise over $1.8 million dollars. Fund raising does bring in a lot of money but there is no transparency in where the money goes or how it is spent or distributed and how funds are dispersed for sadaqah or zakat. The Amir Brother Safi Khan has a really good character Islamically from actually seeing his interactions in person with the community. Some challenges seem to come from people within the community with the same social societal ills as any other sector of society.
The school would be a 5-star rating if the tuition was made more affordable ($8000+ a school year for young children for 1 child is pretty high). The school needs to establish a formal school breakfast and lunch program and embrace more current technology for learning (e.g. Chromebooks, Tablets, etc). The school has no cafeteria or any plans to add one as of 2017/2018 school year.
The environment is positive which is constructive and a great for prayer.
8 years ago (01-11-2017)
PLEASE READ THIS I ATTEND ALHUDA AS A TYPE THIS AND I WILL MENTION PROBLEMS IN THE SCHOOL THAT PPL FROM THE OUTSIDE ONT NOTCE) I WOULD RATE THIS SCHOOL poorly I'm telling you, I would rather write a 5 page essay as a student to write a report on how i feel about alhuda than go to that school. matter of fact i would msmile typing that esssay because this school has problem that people from the inside dont know about. unless u have a child in the school(like me but i will not mention grade bcuz this school will suspend me for simply stating my opinion and advice) this school is horrible to buy a meal that will fill you up (complete meal) would cost nearly 7$ daily they sell half subs for 3 dollars and obviously any kid can finish a 3 inch sub but isnt that overpriced. now lets talk about unform. the school constatly mentions our shoes must be all back or white ion P.E days and cannot have ANY BRAND NAMES ON IT . YOU GET IN TROUBLE FOR HAVE A NIKE LOGO ON YOUR SHOE THAT IS ABSURDDDDDD. CAN U VELIVE THAT . WE PAY 6000$ A YEAR TO NOT BE ABLE TO WEAR ALL BLACK NIKE SHOES PAY 10 DOLLARS A DAY FOR LUNCH HAVE NO LOCKERS OR SPACE IN CLASSROOM ON FRIDAYS WE ARE ONLY ALLOWED TO WEAR PLAIN WHITE THAUBS( B4 WE WERE ALLOWED TO WHERE 4 DIFFERENT COLORS I CANT REMEMBER ALL OF THEM BUT NOW ITS ONLY ONE) THIS IS RLLY CRZY BCUZ OUR PROPHET MUHAMMED (SAW) SAID THAT ON FRIDAYS ALL MUSLIMS SHOULD WEAR THERE BEST CLOTHES BUT THE SCHOOL IS STOPPING US FROM ACCOMPLISHIN THAT BY LIMTING WHAT WE CAN WEAR ON THAT DAY(ONLY WHITE tHAUBS) THE ROOF LEAKS A LOT WHICH CAUSES THE PLACE WE PRAY STINK PLEASE LISTE N PARENTS IF YOU ARE BRINGING YOUR CHILD TO LEARN MANNERS THIS IS NOT THE PLACE. 6000$ A YEAR WILL NOT GET U THAT THE EVERY SCHOOL IS THE SAME WHEN IT COMES THAT SUBJECT AND ALUDA MIGHT BE EVEN WORSE. ANOTHER POINT IS TEAHCHERS DO NOT TEACH YOU SUBJECTS IN HIGH SCHOLLLLLL IM TELLLING YOU RIGHT NOE THEY MAKE YOU LEARN YOURSELF. SO BASICALLY YOUR PAYING 6000$ A YEAR FOR YOUR CHILD TO TECACH THEMSLEVES IN CLASS. NOT ITS NOT ALL TEACHERS JUST MOST OF THEM.ANOTHER GREAT ISSUE IS DIFFRENT RACES BEING LIMITED TO GGROW THEIR HAIR BASED ON THEIR RACE a person with straight hair can frow their hair long which is sunnah but a black person cant what retarted sense is that it IS SUNNAH TO GROW YOUR HAIR but they dont let you hmmmmm what an islamic school that is there are many points i would love to shre with parents in person about this school and since there is a lot of typing do i will make one last oint teachers blow student with hw and trust me im not soft and just complaining many parents have reproted this proble teachers assign homeowrk b4 test days they say is for tudying when rlly it doesnteven benefit or help you. students can avreage 4 test a week that is too much i swear i wish i could meet parents who r looking for reviews bout this school bcuz its not fair if u only reviwed the school based on what employees from the school say or a parent thtat liked that school bcuz like every story there always 2 sides or more and u must listen to all sides both positive and negative Assalamualikumwarahmatuallahiwabarakatuh
8 years ago (28-10-2017)
This school is awful. Dont ever go there. For yall own safety. DONT!!!!!!!! They have a strict uniform policy. And doesnt give u chances. So just dont go!!!!
8 years ago (25-10-2017)
Yes! I have gone to this school for two years and found there methods for teaching black magic are quite potent. I learned as a disciple under Gandalf the White and was roomates with The Wizard of Oz only to find my self leaving the place on a magical Pegasus to embark on a mystic quest as a Magical Warlock for the kingdoms of Westoros
8 years ago (25-10-2017)