This cozy but somewhat industrial area is a stones through to downtown Boston. Has a great option to hotels your own houseboat with 2 to 3 bedrooms nice clean living space and a waterfront deck. A fraction of the cost of downtown. Cool hip area with lots of great Latin restaurants within walking or short cab ride check out Rock on Rentals.
8 years ago (27-07-2017)
This is one of my favorite places 2 watch the sun come up or down
8 years ago (04-02-2018)
Kind of in a crappy area. Directly across from a salt facility and next to a ship scrapping yard
8 years ago (11-02-2018)
Absolutely the worst experience I have ever had. Payed to have all my mechanical systems winterized. Upon delivery , my engines were corroded and during purging I found that none of my systems were winterized even though they charged me for it. Also had bottom painted.They painted over loose paint and right over the barnacles.I strongly recommend you stay away from this place, they have no idea what they are doing.
9 years ago (23-09-2016)
Having been here throughout the winter 2012-2013, I'd have to say my experience has been favorable thus far. The staff are friendly, flexible, and seem to have a genuine interest in the guests here, although sometimes small things need reminding to the office occasionally (bathroom soap out, etc.) There is a single bathroom and shower in separately accessed rooms shared to all guests. The office is located in the backside of the main building by the street, NOT the attached rooms at the bath house, which seem to have private individuals living there. There are no community rooms, unfortunately.
The guests at this time of writing are fairly easy to get along with and are diverse in nature. There's a sense of community comraderie during storms. In winter, the docks were shoveled fairly frequently, and the gangways and dock piers had ladders and such accessible should you fall in.
The rates are reasonable for staying here considering its location in Boston. The marina is located on the route large tankers take to offload gasoline upstream, and as much as it usually is wake-free here, the occasional tugboat fleet comes through and rocks everything. We are across from the salt storage facility for the area, and just beyond the McArdle Bridge at marker R16, which offers quick openings 24/7 on VHF 13. Ocean water quality is dubious due to the proximity of factories and heavy metal processing plants nearby, however on a waining tide you can actually see the bottom clearly.
This location is excellent for weathering storms from a NE-E direction. Storm surges do not seem to affect this location. Power is provided year round and dockside water during summer months. Winter, a heated pipe is accessible at the top of the gangway, and a network of personal hoses are laid out by the guests to access the water supply. Water is supplied municipally via the MWRA, which seems to be some of the best tap water available. For small boats, it's convenient for filling gallon jugs and water bottles, too. A gravel parking lot is available which seems to be well maintained as a portion of the lot is used for boat storage.
The location has varying drafts to accommodate boats of various sizes. Be cautious about your draft, as I was suggested to use a slip here initially which would have been both difficult to use due to location of rocks at the shore, and would have me in the mud during low tide. Closer to the land (and the outfall pipe upstream) the draft is about 3-4 feet, gradually increasing in distance to the tanker channel.
It's difficult to find a disadvantage to staying here. Perhaps the only two disadvantages I would note are the frequency of the tugboats coming by (having a small boat, I seem to be the perfect size to getting rocked by their wake) and the distance to the exit of inner Boston harbor from here (about an hour to the mouth of the main channel, due to getting around East Boston.)
13 years ago (25-02-2013)