This is my home. I’ve been attending this church all my life.... Without god and my bishop I have no idea where I would be! I’ve come so far but I know god isn’t finished with me yet!
7 years ago (20-02-2018)
My family church my home my everything. The go to place for great gospel music lively people and the word is always encouraging. U will want to come back again and again this church is nothing like what your use to.
8 years ago (07-09-2017)
The most awesome, for real ministry you'll ever find! A church with real love for God and all His children. A church where you'll hear an anointed word from God just for you, by a man of God who's chosen, sent and highly favored by God! Come get your blessing and change your life!
9 years ago (12-10-2016)
This place saved my life! I knew of God but I don't know him until I came here. I learned how to have a relationship with God and not just a religious duty. This is now My Church where I worship and inside is a Man Of God who teaches, preaches, and shows you how to Love God for real. This church is not about talk or lip service it's about action and showing your love for God. We praise, we worship, not just on sundays but everyday. We praise him in our sing, shouting, labor, monetary offerings, and just the way we live our lives. I thank god for this church and my bishop without them I don't what I would do thank you
9 years ago (12-10-2016)
This is the House that the Lord has made! We walk in with gladness and rejoice in it! Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!
12 years ago (06-10-2013)