It will be better if they knew how to play the right music every time I go the music sucks it's not clubbing music it sounds like the Same play list all nigh they need a better dj cuz no one ever really wants to dance they also need some better lighting
9 years ago (21-10-2016)
Salsa dance lessons every Saturday night!
8 years ago (12-05-2017)
Had a great time with cheap liquor shots, cute girls, fun music, and they were giving out free hookah if you came in early! Haha im excited for the patio launch April 23rd!
10 years ago (13-04-2016)
The Mario Kart Tournament was such a great night
9 years ago (24-02-2017)
This place is for sucks...and by sucks I mean high school kids looking to sneak into club, sweaty people, people sitting on couches smoking hookah(lame), just overall bad set up and atmosphere. made the mistake of going here once and I hate that I actually set food in here. Workers were nice but patrons are, for lack of a better word, jabronies.
13 years ago (29-11-2012)