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Edit Business | Deutsches Haus
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About Herzlich Willkommen zum Deutschen Haus Story Expanding on its foundation, the Deutsches Haus grew into an organization with a mission to celebrate and foster the rich culture, musical heritage, language and history of the German people. Our Oktoberfest and Volksfest Festivals features authentic German music, food and beverages for all to enjoy, as well as activities for the kids. These events are an opportunity for our local groups to generate revenue which is used to help sustain us throughout the year and assist in sponsoring future events celebrating our German heritage. But most importantly, these festivals introduce our German heritage to the New Orleans population. We sponsor speakers and German films about issues and events of interest to the German-American community that are free and open to the public. Deutsches Haus established a scholarship fund, and working in conjunction with the University of New Orleans, Center Austria promotes the German language and German history for students chosen by the University to study in Germany during the summer. Support is provided for the Deutsches Haus Damenchor and Mannerchor fostering our German musical heritage. Meeting space is provided for the International German speaking fraternity, Schlaraffia, promoting friendship, art, and humor. We sponsor and support Benjamin Franklin High School and Jesuit High School, of New Orleans, in promoting German music and language through the free use of the Haus and grounds for fund raising activities for their exchange student programs and language programs. In addition, we support other ethnic organizations, especially the Irish and Irish-Americans. We grant use of the Haus to the Irish to promote the Irish contribution to New Orleans. We offer the Haus for Irish dance and musical groups within the city, as well as, to traveling groups. We are a Non-Profit Public Charity Corporation as defined in the Internal Revenue Section 501 (c) (3) with a volunteer, Board of Directors and Officers. Currently the Haus has one paid employee, our House Steward / Manager.
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1700 Moss St, 70119, , LA