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Edit Business | AllStar Childrens Center
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About We provide a safe, nurturing, and developmentally appropriate environment for Infants, Toddlers, Pre-School and School-aged children. Story INFANT/TODDLER--- -- PARENT COLLABORATION We strongly believe that the best care we can provide is achieved through collaboration with the parents. While there is no substitute for you, as a parent, we work with parents to try to foster an environment that is supportive of the parenting style you choose for your child. -- EXPOSURE TO EARLY LEARNING Babies are constantly learning and absorbing as they experience their environment and we help them in this process by offering Sensory Stimulation by exposing them to different textures, sounds, and visuals. Even in their infancy, we provide exposure to art projects, music, and other activities that help your child to learn through his or her environment. We are proud to teach Baby Sign in our nursery. Infants are often able to communicate non-verbally before they are able to form words with their mouths. We will expose all infants to basic Baby Signs while they are with us and will work with the parents to expand on these with each individual infant, based on parental desire and infant readiness. -- INFANT-CENTERED CARE We provide care based on the infants' needs, rather than operating on a schedule. For example, we use the following approaches: Feeding on Cue, Responding Quickly and with Sensitivity, and provide Cuddle Care. -- BREASTFEEDING SUPPORT We encourage parents to come visit their infants during the day and nursing mothers are always welcome to come nurse their infants at any point throughout the day. We have a comfortable nursing area where mother and child can nurse and bond comfortably. We are familiar with the proper storage and handling of expressed breast milk so that you can continue to provide for your baby even when you are away. PRE-SCHOOL AGED--- -- ACTIVITIES We strongly believe in learning through play. We provide both individual- and structured group-play. We also initiate activities that encourage parental participation such as craft or project creation and themed parties. -- LIFE SKILLS We help your children to learn fundamental skills and enable them to handle their social environment by teaching skills such as basic eating etiquette, hygiene, "cover your cough", manners, proper dispute resolution, etc. -- SCHOOL PREPARATION We lay the foundation for basic math, science, phonics, and letter recognition, etc. SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN--- - We bus to-and-from school and provide tutoring assistance with homework. We serve breakfast and snacks during the school-year and provide lunch, as well, during school breaks.
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6513 Lomas Blvd NE, 87110, , NM