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Edit Business | Keep Memory Alive Event Center
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About Designed by world-renowned architect Frank Gehry, the Keep Memory Alive Event Center Las Vegas is a 9,200-square-foot blank canvas built to help create new memories while also preserving the memories of others. Story Philanthropist Larry Ruvo founded Keep Memory Alive (KMA) in 1996 to raise awareness and funds for brain disorders. Designed by world renowned architect, Frank Gehry, it is an iconic landmark in Downtown Las Vegas. The building broke ground on February 9, 2007. In 2009, Larry partnered with Cleveland Clinic, perennially named among the nation’s top five hospitals by U.S. News and World Report, and the Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health was born. Designed in Los Angeles, engineered in Germany, fabricated in China and built in Las Vegas, construction was a massive, cross continental feat. Ground breaking festivities were held on May 21, 2010 and the doors were opened to the world.Today, There’s no denying that Frank Gehry’s design continually inspires employees, visitors and event guests who are impressed, intrigued, or speechless— but always engaged. They enter, ask questions, and learn the role that early detection and a healthy lifestyle play in delaying the onset of memory and movement disorders. People are eager to learn what the Lou Ruvo Center for Brian Health is doing to advance diagnosis, care and treatment for these disorders. You can find out more about the innovative concept in medicine, featuring care, clinical trials, active family caregiver programs, and education programs for individuals and families who are living with brain disorders including Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, Parkinson’s disease, frontotemporal dementia and multiple sclerosis here http://www.keepmemoryalive.org/.
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888 W Bonneville Ave, 89106, , NV