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About Filco Carting Corp. provides dumpster rentals, non-hazardous waste removal, disposal & recycling services. We service nearly 5,000 commercial, industrial & Story Filco Carting Corp. provides dumpster rentals, non-hazardous waste removal, disposal & recycling services. We service nearly 5,000 commercial, industrial & institutional firms in the New York City metro area, and has done so for over a century. We specialize in Dumpster Rentals. Filco’s commitment to cleaning up the planet began in 1910, with a horse and wagon, picking up trash in Manhattan’s garment district. Today, we are a fourth-generation family owned business and a leader in the evolution of the waste removal and recycling industry. Our goal is the same now as it was a century ago—to clean up the environment. Our fleet of over 40 trucks transports waste to Filco’s recycling facility, where a variety of material—including paper, plastic, metal, and wood—is sorted for safe disposal. More than 90 percent of the waste we process is recycled. Filco is one of the few companies providing LEED (http://new.usgbc.org/leed) certified construction and demolition waste recycling, and were featured presenters at the EPA NYC "Making Recycling Work" roundtable in 2007. Filco also enjoys memberships at the National Solid Waste Management Association (NSWMA), the US Green Building Council (USGBC) and the National Association for Information Destruction (NAID). Contact us 718-456-5000 http://www.filcocarting.com/ Filco Carting Corp. is a pioneer in non-hazardous waste removal and recycling for the Tri-state area. We are committed to providing high quality, cost effective and environmentally responsible waste collection and disposal services. From pick-up to disposal, we provide consumer satisfaction backed by a focus on personal relationships, outstanding customer service, and a common mission to help clean up and preserve the environment. Impressum http://www.filcocarting.com/ Filco Carting Corp. provides dumpster rentals, non-hazardous waste removal, disposal & recycling services. We service nearly 5,000 commercial, industrial & institutional firms in the New York City metro area, and has done so for over a century. We specialize in Dumpster Rentals.
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197 Snediker Ave, 11237, , NY