Esperson Gallery@GreenStreet exhibits widely collected, established & emerging Texas & national artists, including Hunter, Adickes, Devine, Owerko, et al.
The Esperson Gallery at GreenStreet exhibits highly collected and emerging Texas artists, as well as national talent. Launched in AUG 2013, ESPERSON GALLERY at GreenStreet is housed in a beautiful, half-city-block art space in Downtown Houston, and has completed curation of major corporate, individual, and civic collections.
Join us at Esperson Gallery at GreenStreet Mon. - Sat., 11a.m. - 7p.m., (and certain Sundays) to view work by established, widely collected, internationally recognized artists, as well as regional, emerging talent.
From abstract, to contemporary, figurative to lyrical, the work of the artists featured at Esperson Gallery at GreenStreet is acquired by both seasoned and new art collectors.
The work is beautiful, we're not snotty, and we believe that everyone should have access to great art. Come and see us.
To learn more, visit us during normal business hours, or communicate with a gallery principal to book a private viewing in your home, office, or onsite (contact
Coming this quarter, Esperson Gallery at GreenStreet will continue to be an arts destination for locals and visitors to experience work on canvas, the cinema arts, photography, sculpture, and performance art.
Gallery-represented and exhibited artists:
David Adickes
Wood Fancher Anthony
Richard Blanco
Sebastien "Mr. D" Boileau
Steffany Brady
Felipe Contreras
Kelley Devine
Angela Fabbri
Willy Gardiner
Steve Guthrie (Design)
Allison Hunter
Patti Lennon-Potter
Elizabeth Purpich Collection (Design)
Taft McWhorter
Brad Nelson
Lovie Olivia
Lyle Owerko
Kent Schaffer
Beautiful work. All investment levels. Nothing snotty. Come and see us.
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