When you pay a lot of money for something, you get the illusion that it is more valuable. At a tuition of $29,570, groves is one of the most expensive schools in the State. While the teachers hearts are certainly in the right place, there is a point of disconnect where students who are disobedient are not properly disciplined, and not all distractions are cut off. They have a whole wing of this school for the administration, but they appear to be very unprofessional. The architecture, classrooms, and furniture are sub-par for the modern day, for example one cannot fit their computer and a piece of paper on the same desk. Parents, beware. You will NOT get this thirty thousand dollars back. The money will end up in Mrs. G's pocket so she can speed right behind you in her honda while youre backing up toward a parking spot. Also, the students are very strange and they love to stop in the hallway to talk, blocking you from getting to class. Happens every single day. Dont go here.
7 years ago (18-05-2018)
Groves Academy is a special place. For children that fit one or many of the profiles for which Groves is equipped to serve, it is not a cliche to say that the educational experience is life changing for both students and their families. It is real and is true for our family. I noted a negative comment from a parent whose child did fit the profile and he was disappointed when his child was not accepted to Groves after a summer school experience. I can understand the frustration when you are seeking a school that fits your child and an option you thought may work does not. I wish that parent the best of luck in finding the right fit. I know it's hard and emotional. From a different perspective, for us, one of the positives about Groves is that it is not a place that tries to serve all children who are challenged by traditional instruction or otherwise struggle. Rather, its programs are focused on particular needs, and their methods work. On the upside, Groves' recent investment in its outreach program, led by former head of school, John Alexander, will help other schools find ways to provide more services to their students to help more kids find their best path to a good and meaningful education.
8 years ago (25-09-2017)
The teachers are great, but some of the students are kind of weird. I also didn't get smiled back by any of the students.
8 years ago (02-09-2017)
Groves is a fabulous school with teachers and staff who truly care and will do what it takes to help kids with learning differences succeed. We will be forever grateful for the impact Groves has had on our childrens' lives.
8 years ago (10-04-2017)
Groves as made my grades go from Cs and Ds to mostly As!
7 years ago (21-01-2018)