Wonderful congregation, people, and pastor. You have to check this place out if you haven’t already! Their God is the best!!!
8 years ago (14-01-2018)
Holy Trinity is a welcoming, accepting community of faith with members from all around the Triangle. There's a strong volunteer base that serves the local community and is involved in national and international service projects as well. You'll be hard-pressed to find a friendlier group of people. Whether you are new to the church or a life-long Lutheran, come and visit us!
11 years ago (16-09-2014)
Holy Trinity has been our church home for 18 years. It is a wonderfully supportive faith community with an emphasis on openness, service to the community, and children's ministry. Also, the music is spectacular!
11 years ago (24-05-2015)
I've been a member of Holy Trinity for 20 years. It's a diverse, welcoming community with a strong focus on social justice. Come and visit us!
12 years ago (16-07-2014)
My husband and I were attracted to Holy Trinity because of how welcoming everyone is and how active the church is in the community (from feeding the hungry, to serving the homeless, to participating in Out! Raleigh, and everything in between). There is always something to get involved in!
12 years ago (12-08-2014)