We make non permitted space LEGAL. Commercial or Residential, SFD/MFD/ or Commercial. We assist Realtors, Home owners and spec builders in getting Permits.If you have an Order to Comply or Substandard Notice- come see us! Southern California Area
We address the following:
Substandard Conditions- Given By LA Housing/LADBS
Order to Comply- The City is making you fix it.
Variances- To get what you want ( out side the normal General Plan Rules)
Conditional Use Permits/ Change of Use of buildings
Stop Notices ( given because you have not permits- Don't violate big Fine
To legalize Illegal Additions and prevent people from dying in illegal structural conversions one problem at a time!- Someone dies every year in LA in the Winter because they live in an Illegal Unit!
We solve problems the old fashion Way- We Think.
to add Illegal Additions Made Legal map to your website;