Highly effective transformational training! Leaves you with more power, freedom, self-expression, and peace of mind in areas of life that are important to you. The Landmark Forum, a three and a half day workshop, will have you lit up with what is possible for you and your life.
CEO, humanitarian, or stay at home mom. The landmark forum is where people get a chance to figure out what is keeping them stuck. If your life is great, if it stinks, or anywhere in between there is always room for more peace of mind, connection, and contentment.
This has by far been the most pivotal experience I’ve been through yet. The conversations that take place here are not what one would normally hear, they are extraordinary. If you are interested or the very least intrigued get yourself in this conversation and see what unfolds for you.
Landmark really delivers on what is important and they do in a weekend.. well, a long weekend. Knowing that, it seems crazy to not give it a try and find out for for yourself.
I’ve taken several courses here and received tremendous value! I think everyone should do their Landmark Forum AND The Advanced Course creates miracles...