If you are a sister this is the last place you should go. It is clear that no thought or respect is given to the women that worship Allah, which is absolutely against everything that the Qur'an teaches and Sunnah. This mosque follows culture in their treatment toward women rather than the teachings of Islam. The mosque is filthy. The sister's room is a storage room that is sweltering in the summer and freezing in the winter. We must cram into a room filled with trash boxes, tables, old rugs, and old fans. The sister's have one small bathroom that is not kept clean and many times do not work and no urgency is given to repair it. The recent renovations did not include the women's area. The positive is, the khutbah is inspiring and the imam is devoted to making strong families, however, women are part of the family, an important part, since the raising of the children fall on them, so would it not be logical that respect be shown to women???? Not one to go anywhere I am disrespected.
7 years ago (16-04-2018)
I decided to visit the place after I had a few bears (to keep the review 100% honest) on early November 2016, I'm not going to mention at what date & time for my safety as they can track me on their CCTV, any way i couldn't believe what the Egyptian Imam was saying, Anti abortion, pedophilia & anti west hate speech,
I hope the athorities do something about this place.
9 years ago (20-11-2016)
This was the operations base of the Blind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman from which he, Salemeh, Ramzi Yousef, Abouhalima, Ayyad, Ali muhamed planned the killing of Meir Kahane in 1991, the 1993 wtc bombing, and the foiled bridges and tunnels plot. Mr. Rahman maintained a mailbox at the Sphinx trading company check cashing store four doors down. Later several 9/11 hijackers including the closest to UBL, Khalid Al Midhar obtained false identification from one of the owners. The other owner was an unindicted co-conspirator in the wtc bombing. FBI missed another chance to stop 9/11 and be assured if you attend this mosque it is probably under surveillance if not infiltrated by spooks. How a place that was involved in two attacks on the same building is still up and running is beyond me. The ATF burned down the branch devidian church over much less.
11 years ago (08-07-2015)
This is the last masjid you should think going to especially at jum'aa prayer, all the heads of the masjid and the khateeb are blazing ikhwanees (muslimbrotherhood) and they are on the manhaj of the khawarij and takfeeris, they cause alot of fitnah every jum'aa due to making the khuttbah a political and hizbiyyah speech , and the so called shaykh tareq is one of the students of the big egyptian takfiri muhammed abdul maqsood wal'eyazu bellah from all of them , this masjid is far far away from salafiyyah has nothing to do with the sunnah and salaffiyah
12 years ago (01-12-2013)
9 years ago (03-12-2016)