The old mall, mainly repurposed as an employment center. Actually went to the Giant Eagle. A good supper market but generally pricer then others except sales. But the best price on the hard stuff by far!
7 years ago (17-05-2018)
I love this mall, even if it isn't filled with the big name stores it once was. I still go there just for the Animal Friends Thrift Shop...because you never know what treasures you'll find and it supports a great cause. I would like to see more stores move into the mall just to keep it going. I love the layout of this mall and the holiday decorations for 2017 are beautiful. This is one mall I would hate to see be torn down for something more profitable to be put in it's place.
8 years ago (15-12-2017)
Their are precious few businesses here and the ones that are here are either non-consumer businesses like Ttec and Milan or very small businesses. The mall is almost completely empty inside.
7 years ago (05-06-2018)
Only place worth going to here is Cato, if it wasn't there I would totally bypass this place!
7 years ago (27-04-2018)
Unfortunately this mall is way past it's prime, it is still home to a few (Catos is one), but the majority of the mall houses various businesses that aren't retail stores, i.e. a call center and Social Security Office.
7 years ago (09-05-2018)