If I could give these relaxed, gossiping, thievery, state begging welfare agency, coffee drinking heathens a negative 000 10 million times over, it would not be enough. The corruption amongst all of these government enforcement agencies is immense and all I desire is to see it go toppling down. Jim Butz is USELESS & he will work against you with the court system so you could lose, regardless of whether it's your children, a disability case, landlord tenant, their theory is "we're here to get paid, but you need to seek paid legal counsel elsewhere," although financially you're unable to afford it. Rest assured he has his hands in the pudding along with ALL OF IT.
7 years ago (16-02-2018)
I've had a case with one of the attorneys since April 2017, had 2 meetings never heard from her again...ive called left messages, wrote letters , Still no RESPONSE , very upsetting they don't communicate with you regarding a case you have pending.
8 years ago (11-11-2017)
Very helpful and informative
7 years ago (27-03-2018)
Just mad at them.
8 years ago (19-01-2018)
These people are UTTERLY EFFING USELESS!!!! Even taking into account that they don't deal with criminal cases the police are too corrupt/lazy to do anything about, the times I had legitimate non-criminal issues, I was treated like garbage by these people. These overpaid government wastes of money are exactly that.... a waste!! This organization only exists to wastes taxpayers money and to help no one.
Only in a government job can people be this rude, wasteful, lazy,& incompetent & sstill be smug about it.
This sham and scam of an organization is scum.
10 years ago (23-09-2015)