eCigs and Vapes
Prestige Vaping retails and distributes vaporizers and its accessories to various places in the tri-state area. We are all about the movement to help smokers move to healthier and safe alternatives as well as provide a better way to feel the effects of a hookah without having any of the unwanted toxins and tar enter your body.
Vaping is a fairly new and fun technology that is not harmful to one's body as long as they use the recommended liquids and tools. It is a lifestyle that we feel one must partake in because of the enjoyment it can bring safely.
We also have a huge selection of hand blown glass pieces and smoking accessories,
hand pipes, water pipes and Hookahs, dry herbs vapes, novelties, gifts, and much more..
Authorized dealer of,,,, and most major brand names LEO glass, Pax juul, ROOR glass, Medicali glass, Grav Lab glass, and most brand names in the industry.
Prestige Vaping strives to give our customers the best experience by providing quality product and excellent customer service.
Instagram- PrestigeVaping
Authorized dealer of,,,, and most major brand names LEO glass, Pax juul, ROOR glass, Medicali glass, Grav Lab glass, and most brand names in the industry.
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