Rochester Area School District
115 km
Spends money on dumb stuff like pointless signs on the outside, majority of teachers ...
Central Valley High School
117 km
I have no idea where this is i just wanted to write a review to feel accepted
Sure, I was there in the 60's but probably little change since the supervisor a few years ago was in my class. School took our class money and bought a big sign instead of giving it back or having a class party. I educated myself in spite of most of the teachers. Very few of us went on to college and most of those went to teacher's college. In later years having many high-tech connections I offered free computers. Never heard back. Sounds like little has changed and I would recommend online schooling instead. School in the middle of nowhere so little chance to socialize and it looks like a prison. On the up side, no drugs back in the 60's
8 years ago (18-10-2017)
I don't know what's worse, the kids who go here or the teachers
8 years ago (22-03-2018)
I think I have lost brain cells when I came here
9 years ago (13-04-2017)
The lovely Purchase Line High School. Home of the Purchase Line Red Dragons.
14 years ago (10-06-2012)