25 Years of Experience
We invite you to receive our Keratin Smoothing with natural containing no chemicals and therefore does not harm your hair, giving it more shine and body, making it look spectacular result, chemicals that damage hair over time never use them.
permanent curls do we specialize in skin rejuvenation and face using the best methods and achieve more than evident, up to 5 years, and that is to recover much of their lost youth ... we make it happen!
work in both the skin and in your face, we are careful to use only quality-tested products and and thus ensuring total satisfaction to our customers.
Enjoy and give yourself the luxury of receiving the best service, call and we will be happy to assist you.
Le invitamos a recibir nuestro servicio de alisado con Keratina natural que no contiene productos químicos y por lo tanto no hace daño a su pelo,dandole más brillo y cuerpo, haciendo que se vea espectacular resultado,los productos químicos que con el tiempo daña el cabello nunca los utilizamos.
hacemos rizos permanentes y nos especializamos en el rejuvenecimiento de la piel y la cara utilizando los mejores métodos y tratamientos logrando resultados más que evidentes, hasta 5 años, y eso es recuperar gran parte de su juventud perdida ... hacemos que suceda!
trabajamos tanto en la piel y en su cara, tenemos mucho cuidado de utilizar sólo productos de calidad probada y y lograr asi la total satisfaccion en nuestros clientes.
Disfruta y dese el lujo de recibir el mejor servicio, llame y nos complaceremos en atenderle.
Special Offer Products
If you require immediate attention you can send us an email at info@rayospermanentmakeup.com or give us a call at (702) 739 0020
Special waist reduction
Special Offer Products
Permanent Makeup
Eyesbrowns 3d
I have 25 years of experience
by professionals in the field
Convenient prices
Hair Cuts
Hair Color
Hair Permanents
Permanent Make-Up
Chemical Peel
Skin Care
Estilistas del Cabello
Maquillaje Permanente
Reduccion de Cintura
Rejuvenecimiento de Piel
Welcome to Rayos Permanent Make-Up website!
We have developed this web site to allow you to get to know our products and services a bit better, as well as make all of our information available to you 24 hours a day.
We will continue to add product and company information to this site on a weekly basis so if you don't find what you're looking for please check back often.
If you require immediate attention you can send us an email at info@rayospermanentmakeup.com or give us a call at (702) 739 0020 , or use our super quick online form .
We invite you to read what other satisfied customers have had to say about us on our testimonials page or visit the web sites we suggest, with links to our suppliers, distributors, customers or friends on our links page.
We have put together this site with an easy to use interface and will continue to improve your online experience, if you have any feedback you would like to give us on the site or have any questions whatsoever feel free to email us info@rayospermanentmakeup.com
-Se cubren alopecia con simulacion de pelo
Covers bald spots
-Se quitan manchas, cicatrices, y tatuajes
Removal of skin stains, scars, & tattoos
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