Stanford Memorial Auditorium
352 km
Medium sized venue for seeing some very unique events, put on by students and locals,...
Dinkelspiel Auditorium
352 km
Nice intimate theater. Sat in the back row with my daughter (1.5 years) just in case ...
I saw a "sold out" Old Dominion concert on Feb. 15th. Although I loved the size of the venue and the sound I will never pay money again to go to this venue. The biggest problem I have is that you cannot have ANY drinks on the GA floor. If you buy reserved seats you are allowed drinks but they must have a lid which costs you an extra $4 on top of the $8 beer or $12 cocktail. You cannot stand inside the door to keep warm & listen to the music. I have never been to this venue before & had no idea until they actually send you an email AFTER you buy tickets to inform you of all of their rules. I do not smoke but there are stupid rules about that too. I am sure they got sued because someone slipped on the floor while at a concert. Give me a break. The lead singer kept cheering the crowd with his beer not realizing nobody was drinking in the GA pit!!! I have been going to concerts since I was 15 & never had restrictions regarding spilling beverages. 😂😂😂 What a joke. I felt like I was in the high school gym or in my parents living room!!! No spilling of your drinks!!!😂😂😂😂 PASS. TOO MANY RULES!!
8 years ago (17-02-2018)
Nice Open Spaces large crowds especially when trying to promote businesses this is the main Center in Redding for not only entertainment but also all kinds of different vendors and there products there offering either through travel or their local
8 years ago (14-04-2018)
Such a helpful Ticketmaster when I called. She helped explained where the best view was with the seating while I looked at the chart online. We have come here for five or six different shows over the last 10 years. The seating is very comfortable and the grounds are lovely to walk around on after.
8 years ago (19-09-2017)
My wife was very excited about seeing Joan Jett tonight and I paid extra money to make sure she sat in the front row. I was told event staff let everyone rush the stage so I paid extra for nothing and her friend has back issues and was unable to stand and missed alot of the concert. Not happy with this at all.
8 years ago (11-08-2017)
When a Mom gets a chance to let loose. Well, she wants to let loose. Can't smoke where can hear music. Ok. Can't drink where you can actually smoke. :( Myself and all I know from concert last night will not go to civic again. Extra driving to sac will be very much worth it!
8 years ago (27-08-2017)