Nice public space to meet up with folks in midtown.
Clean, and lots of space
Great place to find some homeless people who could use a little food or help.
A fully functional atrium mostly during the business hours of 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Located on the lower level with ample seating is a moderately priced food court with access to bathrooms. The mezzanine has beautiful and peaceful seating which offer nice views of nearby Lexington Avenue skyscappers.
Clean, comfortable, safe and secure, the 875 Public Atrium ar 53rd Street 3rd Avenue is one heck of a piece of real estate design. certainly cannot bewith its Midtown.
Beautiful building; great and courteous security. Good food from the restaurants in the good court.
Women's room is decrepit. Obvious attemp to keep away homeless by locking the doors.