Acupuncture to Heal the Body, Calm the Mind, and Nourish the Spirit
MaryFatimah Weening, Licensed Ac. PA
The Present Sage offers family acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine for adults, adolescents, and children. Our practitioners specialize in emotional health and wellness as well as pain relief and healing from chronic illness/imbalances. Some common ailments that Acupuncture can be effective for include:
Arthritic conditions
Autoimmune disorders
Chronic fatigue / adrenal fatigue
Decreased immunity
Stress and anxiety
Digestive disorders
Knee Pain
Low Back Pain
Menstrual Health
Neck Pain
Pain - acute and chronic
Post-operative pain
Reproductive wellness and infertility
As a holistic therapy, acupuncture stimulates the body's innate healing abilities without harmful side effects. This allows for greater peace of mind and more balanced health. However, you do not have to have an prominent physical concern to get acupuncture treatment -- acupuncture is about keeping you healthy and maintaining balance as much as it is recovering from imbalance or sickness.
Please email or call for a complimentary phone consult to see if acupuncture is well-suited to your needs. A treatment plan with the recommended number of sessions for you can be made after your first in-office consult, which includes a comprehensive health intake and acupuncture session.
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