A wonderful community - standing together in love, unafraid to ask itself (and the rest of us) hard questions, listening intently to everyone. Although I'm not a member, I am proud to have such a loving, giving and authentic community in the heart of my town.
8 years ago (08-11-2017)
Unitarian Universalist are some of the most compassionate, loving, & justice focused people I know. This congregation is doing amazing work creating public spaces where real conversations can be had that risk having people change their hearts & minds.
8 years ago (09-11-2017)
Went for an artist reception. Glanced at their beautiful sanctuary. At the forefront of ecumenism.
7 years ago (28-01-2018)
I encourage those who wrote poor reviews based on our showing of a film that engages us all on the issue of how narratives are formed, to come be with us on any Sunday morning and judge for yourself. The negative reviews are part of a very sad attempt to censor intellectual engagement on important issues in our world. The author of the campaign against us came to a meeting with me and some members of our Social Action Committee attempting to get us to cancel the film. At that film he condemned all Palestinian people and said hateful things about them as a people. We stand firmly against hateful words about our Jewish siblings, and our Palestinian siblings, and our LGBTQ siblings, and our People of Color siblings, and our siblings who move through the world with differing physical and intellectual abilities, and all other children of Creation. Come be with us on the journey ~
8 years ago (08-11-2017)
The UU Church of Marblehead nourishes me spiritually. One of the key reasons I joined the church was its deep commitment to social action and human rights.
8 years ago (10-11-2017)