You can be sure about one thing when visiting the WNCSOM: If you are simply a paying client taking advantage of their great deal on student clinic massages, or an aspiring massage student looking to create a better life for yourself and neighbors around you, no matter what, you will be heard and listened to compassionately. The learning environment that Hope has created at the WNCSOM is far higher than any other school in the area. In my search for a school I visited the three main facilities for Massage Education in Asheville. One lost contact with me without effort to follow up and the other did not seem to have a researched focused curriculum, it was based mainly on energy work and (in my opinion) did not have the right approach (for me) to Massage Therapy. The WNCSOM blends both the logic mindset as well as the energy side you need to connect and understand clients; this allows you to discover what path is correct for you. Comfort zones are tested on the first day when you have to learn a relaxing back massage. This, in my opinion, is one of the main reasons every student leaves 6 moths to a year later FULLY equipped to create better lives for the clients they work with. Hope, John C., and Nate can cater to virtually all learning styles with the way they approach education. I will carry the experience I had at this school forever.
8 years ago (06-04-2017)
Professional, serene, educated and advanced. Which in my opinion equals perfection! A no stress environment where the things that are really important are what is focused on, and the atmosphere is ideal for learning to the highest capacity. All staff and owners seem to go out of their way to provide the most excellent experience possible, students are treated like intelligent adults, and the whole experience is ideal.
9 years ago (26-05-2016)
I had a student massage. I was so impressed, she was very good. Attentive, confident and professional and she was not even half way through program yet.
9 years ago (27-06-2016)
What a delightful experience! Took a continuing education course this weekend. Hope is extremely knowledgeable, and she knows how to communicate that knowledge very effectively. Beautiful, comfortable space. I look forward to making the trip from eastern NC for more classes here!
10 years ago (12-10-2015)
I can't say enough good things about this school and it's wonderful owners, Hope and John Morgan. I attended school here myself, have received massages here, and have taken CE classes here, and all of it has been of the highest quality.
9 years ago (08-08-2016)