Chocolat Moderne
351 miles
Everything in this store is delicious. We tried about 15 different chocolates and eac...
Avoid the dry goods here at all cost. The store has a major pest infestation; over the last six months, I've found pantry beetles and maggots in boxes of brown sugar, dried pasta, lentils, and several brands of flour. Until the store dumps its entire dry stock and disinfects, the problem isn't going anywhere.
awesome store with a beautiful produce section and bulk as well. the fruit and veggie selection is abundant and honey crisp apples were cheeeap! definitely a great store - support local grocers.
Shop here all the time it is really close. I'm quite impressed by their selection and their produce. Slightly more expensive, but worth it. PSA to newcomers to double check all expiration dates on semi-perishables cheese, milk, ice cream, etc as those are often at or past expiration maybe 1 out of every 10-20