I was out walking with my daughter earlier tonight. We were crossing near domino's on main st and going towards court street. The light was red and I was in the cross walk so I had the right of way and a woman in an suv failed to stop for the light and almost hit me and my daughter. One of your officers was right there when it happened and I thought he said people need to pay attention so I agreed and he says no I said you need to pay attention. He failed to pull over a person for running a red light but I need to pay attention..
8 years ago (28-02-2018)
The Woonsocket Police officer lied about his name et,. said his name is Mike and falsified a police report on Aug 8, 2016 stating I have attempted/performed Suicide.... I have asked to have the information corrected and no updates have been made. I am not suicidal nor have I ever been. And got arrested for a FALSE WARRANT and FAILED to process the proper NCIC check for verification of the warrant. I had left the City of Woonsocket years ago. As for where they're getting this outrageous information I have no idea. Unethical and mismanaged Police facility ever. They refused to take a police report of stolen USAA check along with 2 other Fidelity checks of mine, stolen by Selah Chauvin and Sherrill (Insisiengmay) Chauvin. Ex father in-law Paul Chauvin who lives on 821 Social Street in Woonsocket is friends with the Chief of Police at Woonsocket. And Shiloh Chauvin my ex, got away with breaking international Laws in Canada and the most strangest thing would be that Shiloh changed his last name to my last name and ******Stephen Chauvin who was a Marine change his name to my brother's name to get his military information from the ARMY and his wife Joann Sengsouvauh a Laos girl stole my Identification. And let me add by saying that he(shiloh chauvin) PUNCH his 6 year old son in the face, reported by the school teacher in Florida. And hit and yell at his kids until they bleed, to scare the living day lights out of them and on top of it all, Kim Keovongsavang their Stepmother had other men hit my 7 years old son when Shiloh wasn't around. WHY WOULD THERE BE OTHER MEN AROUND
8 years ago (02-10-2017)
Very demeaning, unethical, and biased. They do not communicate with the 'people.' The large black window is awkward. Which makes it difficult and uncomfortable when you need assistance. Rude comes short of how most officers are [there].
Instead of making you feel welcome and safe, you feel uncomfortable as if you are a criminal or scum even.
I have no record nor have I ever been in any type of criminal behavior/trouble, yet I have been treated as if I were on Americas most wanted; and have even been told (by a Woonsocket officer) that it's not "a surprise yet typical, since I am from woonsocket," (which I may add, I am not)
8 years ago (05-08-2017)
I'm rating 5 stars specifically to Officer Oliver from the Traffic Division. He was EXTREMELY helpful with assisting me in getting my plates back. I was disappointed when I came into the station on a Friday and was told to return on a Saturday when there would obviously be no one there to assist me. I'm 9 months pregnant so instead of having to walk all the way to the station, Officer Oliver happily delivered the plates to my house. Thank you Officer Oliver, you were a Godsend!!
9 years ago (26-09-2016)
Worst experience of my life. Went for a vin check, stood there for 2 hours with my 2 year old son and nobody helped me. Complete waste of a day as the dmv closed in the time I was waiting. No apology for the wait. At this time when police departments are under review you would think they'd be accommodating. The entire time I was waiting the beast behind the mirrored glass was laughing like a hyena. A vin check takes 5 minutes at most. Let's not forget all of you behind the glass are public servants. These people should be fired. No excuse for this type of behavior.
8 years ago (14-05-2017)