Grindline Skateparks Co
72 km
Most of their parks are exactly the same formula. Their parks aren't different from e...
Delridge Skatepark
72 km
Its a great place to hang out after school and skate with your friends. But since the...
I feel that this is the best skatepark within a 30 mile radius of Olympia it has everything you need and all amenities to skate. rails boxes ledges in a good environment for kids learn and practice their craft. when I went there they were having a memorial and candlelight for another skateboarder that passed away and they celebrated all day at the park with a wonderful attitudes .the skateboarding culture and family welcomed me even though they were mourning and that is by far the best representation of how skaters “really” are. Good fun loving people.
8 years ago (12-02-2018)
Too bad it was designed for bikes and skaters... now frequented by youth for drug deals and truancy. Yelm police do nothing. Flagrent pot smoking and alcohol bottles. The city needs to keep much better care and watch over it.
8 years ago (18-10-2017)
Great all around skatepark it’s got a good flow especially for skateboarding
8 years ago (16-12-2017)
Good for experienced players
8 years ago (03-01-2018)