Italian food
We take great pride in our daily preparation of all menu selections created from fresh ingredients. Cafe Napoli has an excellent reputation for outstanding food service and hospitality. We are rated one of the best Italian restaurants in the area serving a variety of fresh pasta, beef, seafood or veal dishes. We feature a large selection of fine wines from around the world. Pietoso family members make special trips to learn the production methods of wine. Our commitment is to serve you "only the best".
SEE INSIDE Cafe Napoli newly renovated!,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.70138588,d.aWw,pv.xjs.s.en_US.4GTBzt8SUZ8.O&biw=1229&bih=854&dpr=1&wrapid=tljp140493100236310&um=1&ie=UTF-8&fb=1&gl=us&spn=0.18,0.3&cbll=38.649815000000004,-90.336546&layer=c&panoid=hDW7MyRi9_IAAAQW-byhhg&cbp=,117.36161,,0,-0.0&cid=1742016122180548744&q=cafe+napoli&sa=X&ei=zIu9U-eeC9KlyASlvIGgBw&ved=0CJIBEKAfMAo