Kehillat Chovevei Tzion is a traditional, conservative non-egalitarian Jewish community. The kehillah holds services each Shabbat and on all holidays, as part of a diverse program of educational opportunities and social events.
Kehillat Chovevei Tzion (KCT) was established in 1994 as a traditional conservative non-egalitarian Jewish community. The kehillah holds services each Shabbat and on all holidays, as part of a diverse program of educational opportunities and social events. Morning services on Shabbat and holidays are at 9 AM. The times of evening services vary with the Jewish calendar and can be found on the KCT website (
KCT has become a small, enthusiastic, very inviting and supportive Jewish community where its members pray, study, celebrate, and observe Jewish holidays together. It is completely lay-led other than occasional guest clergy and scholars-in-residence.