Living a healthier, more natural life is our goal at Elm Natural Products. Shop natural for you and your family at www . ElmNaturalProducts . com
Natural & Simple …
This is a the place for you to learn about non-toxic, pure, organic & therapeutic products for your whole family in a group atmosphere where you can ask questions, get information and have fun!
I am so happy you're here and I can help you on your journey toward a more natural lifestyle! I will keep you informed of new products, tips & advice, customer specials, online parties, events, and hosting opportunities to earn free products.
Elm Natural Products, Owner/Maker
Max & Madeleine, Independent Advisor
Customer VIP Group: ...'sMaxandMadeleineVIPGroup
Max & Madeleine was created by two moms on a mission to find chemical and synthetic free essentials for their children so you don't have to interpret and research label ingredients. Each ingredient has a purpose and is pure or organic whenever possible and made in the USA.
Young Living Essential Oils
Savvy Minerals Natural Makeup
Seedlings Baby Care Products
Independent Distributor
Use Enroller & Sponsor No. 2315853
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Thank you for supporting my businesses and for being here with me. I'm thrilled to be your Natural Product Consultant!