A fantastic flight school with lots of personality and enthusiasm. Aircraft rates are good and there are a range of instructors depending on what you want to do. With the recent investment there are some modernisation plans in progress so I look forward to seeing how things develop ! Check them out for an experience flight or going for your private license like me.
10 years ago (01-04-2016)
Attitude Aviation is a fantastic flight school with quality aircraft and really helpful staff. Check them out, you won't be disappointed!! FYI, Attitude is under new management!!
9 years ago (30-09-2016)
If you were to imagine one of the best, most easy-going, and fun places where you can fly, where everybody from the owner, the pilots, the line crew, and maintenance are all awesome, this is where you want to go.
My instructor Steve Neighbor is great, and he taught me how to fly from the ground up (literally!) in a tailwheel aircraft. I've been enjoying my private pilot's license ever since, and have been loving the experience of mastering all the new aircrafts that Attitude has been adding to their fleet.
Moreover, their maintenance crew instills within me complete trust in the planes in which I venture out. The line guys are professional, conscientious, and clearly go out of their way to try to reduce friction before you embark on your flight.
I could not recommend this place more. Frankly, one of the reasons I live in Pleasanton is so I have easy access to their facilities.
Whether you're a seasoned pro, a person like me who at the beginning had never really even considered being a pilot, or somewhere in between, this is the place for you. You'll feel like you've instantly joined a fraternity, and will have gained a lot of friends in the process.
9 years ago (30-09-2016)
I found the ex-USAF instructors top-notch for aerobatics, procedures and safety. But as a business owner, Rich has an attitude towards his customers. He always has to be right, prove he knows more that anyone. If he hangars or rents out your aircraft be prepared for excessive charges and for games around your access to your aircraft. I learned a lot about flying, but I would not do business with him again.
10 years ago (14-04-2016)
Need Serious attitude correction.
9 years ago (04-03-2017)