When I attended this church, there was no effort to make me feel welcome at all. I went into what I thought was the main sancuary entrance, but it wasn't; I spent about 5 mins looking like an idiot just trying to find the sanctuary.
Not a single person said anything to me the whole time. I was wearing jeans & a t-shirt, and kept getting dirty looks from just about everyone, who were dressed in suits, khakis & polos, etc.
There was even a time where the pastor asked the congregation to greet each other, and asked any guests to stay seated, and an usher would come & talk to them. I stayed seated, along with 3 other people, and again not a single person said a single word to any of us.
Like another reviewer said, during this sermon, the pastor kept demonizing all who weren't christian, saying that we should never EVER associate with anyone who is not saved. There was even a point where child abuse was advocated; saying that our children would have less sin if we spanked/hit them more.
7 years ago (27-05-2018)
Beautiful infrastructure! But the Spiritual infrastructure is God! I had to confess it to address it, Philemon 1:6, Philippians 4:6-12. Praying for the Lord to shower the members followed by an overflow of joy and Spiritual gift release to the congregation Pastor! Amen.
8 years ago (09-01-2018)
Berean is a Bible-based teaching church. I've been to churches that dwell on how you need to be a good person. Read a couple verses to help the point and sing a few songs. Berean was like coming home. I'm learning more and more with every teaching and growing in my Christianity and my marriage. The pastors speak the truth straight from the Bible - whether we want to hear it or not. I give my first THANKS to God for guiding me and my family to this church. I also give thanks to Berean for the Truth that they teach. 5 Stars all the way.
9 years ago (17-10-2016)
Berean Baptist is our second family! We were looking for somewhere to get involved, that bases their preaching and teaching on the Bible, and isn't afraid to take a stand for Christ. We found that in Berean and only wish we had visited sooner. We've done small groups in the past but with my husband's schedule, we really needed a Sunday School class since Sundays are the only days we can typically count on him being around. This is why we left our previous church. Not only does Berean offer Sunday School, but we found a class full of people with similar interests and lifestyles as us. (If you need a class, we love Nate's!) Basically, it's refreshing to have solid preaching, true fellowship and a ton of support from our church family, and we only wish we could give more in return!
9 years ago (18-10-2016)
Rock solid Biblical sermons and teaching. I've been listening to their Sunday and Wednesday sermons online for several years. I love how they go through books of the Bible, explaining every verse and giving solid historical background as well as applications for the present day. This church has been a real blessing to me and has helped me with my spiritual growth as a Christian. God bless Pastor Sean Harris and all the pastors at Berean Baptist (present and past) who have given their time and talents to this ministry.
9 years ago (18-10-2016)