The products are overpriced, even for this area, and pretty low quality. Most of the credit card keypads have major issues. After you manage to pay you have to bag your own groceries (which is ludicrous), while the cashier just stands there and watches. Don’t bother using the self-checkout because they’re all glitchy and associate has to come over at least once every single time to fix it. Basically, be prepared to spend half your visit checking out. I would give it one star except that the staff is friendly and the stockers always seem to be working to keep the shelves stocked. As usual, the employees are better than the business.
7 years ago (07-06-2018)
I don't normally shop at Cash Wise because I don't live near one. I stopped in this store to get groceries with my WIC for my kids while we stay in town for the weekend. I stuck to Only buying marked WIC items. I grabbed the only stocked and marked apple juice.(MANY items were out of stock). I had trouble finding some things so I was already frustrated by the time I had to wait in line at the checkout. I arrange the items on the belt just for the juice I picked to be rejected.
Rather than the supervisor who was called to offer to run back and get the approved juice she rudely told me that if I want it I need to go find it myself. So she and the cashier stood waiting at the register while I went to hunt for a the appropriate juice.
Since I did not know the store it took at least 5 minutes for me to find the aisle where the juice was located. Once I got there I saw a stocking associate whom I asked for assistance. He tried to help but he had no knowledge of what was and wasn't WIC approved items. He could only go by the signs like I had. His first suggestion was the very same signed item I had been sent away from the checkout for having grabbed.-
7 years ago (26-05-2018)
My trip to Cash Wise was a very pleasant experience.
The check out person bagged my groceries while I used the pin pad to pay for my purchase. I felt this young man went beyond his scope of work to help me get my shopping completed as quickly as possible...
Fine job young man...thank you....
7 years ago (08-02-2018)
The Watford City Cashwise was the first one I visited in the Cashwise chain, back when it first opened during the middle of the oil boom (maybe 2014?). I love the wide aisles, the bulk food items, and the huge selection. A similar Cashwise later opened in Dickinson, which makes me happy!
7 years ago (01-05-2018)
I am sure this place must be Under New Management. The store is cleaner. The food seems more fresh and employees seem more eager to help customers. I am so excited about the changes they've made at the store in the past month and I hope it just gets better
7 years ago (08-02-2018)