Columbus Gives Back is an amazing organization that provides multiple service events that are unique in their own way, and social twists after allow you to get to know individuals in the community! They have numerous opportunities, which makes it easy to become involved and to find something you like doing! Overall, everyone is super friendly and I recommend trying out any of their events!
Volunteering with Columbus Gives Back was such a rewarding experience. Being able to help those who need it most brings almost as much joy to the volunteers, such as myself, as those who are receiving the service. I’ve met such great people through this organization. And I can’t wait for the next volunteer adventure! Shout out to @cbusgivesback for putting me and my friends on their insta story this week to kick of trick-or-suites! #parrotsrule
I enjoy volunteering with Cbus Gives Backs! Not only are they organized, but everyone is super friendly & fun! Especially the Group Leaders! I cannot wait to join them for more events in the near future! :
Every single event I joined was awesome! I enjoyed spending time with super kind people in Columbus Gives Back. I am leaving OH soon and I will miss this group so much. I feel we need this group all over the world.
I follow CGB on Instagram and Facebook. I’m in awe by the amazing things they do to give back across the community. I’m a frequent volunteer at the Franklin County Dog Shelter. Want to join me there?
called and got hung up on assuming the number is incorrect..
Fun organization for volunteering!