I love being a part of the Compass family! The pastors truly have a heart and passion to reach our community with the gospel. The worship and sermons are dynamic and thought-provoking and every week I leave with a sense purpose and belonging.
7 years ago (14-03-2018)
Me and my family have attended Compass Church since 2010. We love the people at Compass and we're excited about the things God is doing through this church! The services are fun and exciting, and the messages are relevant and challenging! Come check out Compass!
8 years ago (22-01-2018)
Such a wonderful church!!! People may think the church is too big and there's no connection or accountability. However you will hear sermons that are straight from the Bible; but, it's not just story-time...rather the sermons are given straight from the Bible but then the pastor will explain the relevance of why God wanted this in the Bible.
The church is centered on the formation of connecting with others...developing relationships that aren't hypocritical...people are real people with many life stories that could "curl a bald man's hair". Come check it out and see if you feel it's right for you and/or your family.
Compass Church in Goodyear has a wonderful children's ministry, youth, & young (almost) adult ministry.
If you're reading my review then know you are reading this because God is directing you to check it out.
8 years ago (07-08-2017)
this church is actually the best like no joke. all the people are too good and if you need some jesus in yo life, then you should def come here. it’s family bro. so dip from wherever you’re going and come here rn
8 years ago (04-02-2018)
The church seems ok, and the people nice, but I'm a bit concerned that some of the teaching may be a bit watered down, leading to perpetual immaturity in the life of those who regularly attend. My heart goes out to the people here. Sometimes in our zeal for numeric growth, we tend to sacrifice authentic spiritual growth...
8 years ago (19-11-2017)