Very poor. Did you get a degree out of a kelloggs box. You are probably the worst cogressman. What legislation actually has your name on it. You've helpedd destroy a thriving area into a ver dangerous place. Do something about it!
Representative Al Green. Thank you for having the courage to introduce the bill to impeach President Donald Trump. Everyone knows he is unfit to be president but few have the where with all to say it.
Al Green is a DISGRACE to Texas and EMBARRASSING to ALL Texans!! Texas has REAL issues that needs to be solved and he's gone off on a tangent trying to grill CEO's of major banks b/c they are white and still drinking on the "Russian-collusion-Let's-impeach-Trump" Kool-Aid. Unbelievable.
2 out of 17 i would be a victim in your district. Fix your district.One of the scariest places in Texas is your district. Do your job. Don't tell me show me. Reviews should have negative stars available.
He need to start doing the job he’s elected to do and quit Wasting tax $$$.. He’s is nothing but a TRUE a swamp RAT
Green is a cheat, a liar and a traitor to our dear Republic. He doesn’t care about truth, only furthering his corrupted agenda. He needs to step down immediately for his many dubious actions.
Not impressed. He should be replaced.
This guy boycotting the presidential inauguration is acting on his own behalf and is NOT honoring or properly serving the constituents of the 9th congressional district of Texas.