This arts center in the middle of downtown hosts Richmond Symphony. I took my kid to audition for youth orchestra. Wow, this building is elegantly built, secure and modern. They have a beautiful theater for live performances. They conduct csmps and claases and the rooms have nice acoustic features (padding, curtains etc.)
Well, this building is money spent well to encourage arts in Richmond. I am sure the social benefits reaped are worth a city.
7 years ago (30-05-2018)
This is always a preferred venue. It's easy to get to, parking is convenient, nearby and inexpensive. Plus it feels safe. The acoustics are good and the view is good, even from the back. The seats are not that comfortable but there is enough room for normal size people.
7 years ago (22-02-2018)
The venue is gorgeous, not only inside but outside as well. The accoustics carry sound from stage to upper balcony. But of course as the venue of choice for classical and opera as well as spoken word performances, we should expect nothing less.
7 years ago (23-02-2018)
The theater was beautiful and the seats were comfortable and easy to find with the help of staff members. You can purchase alcohol and take it into the theater which was a huge surprise. We were at the end of the drinks line during a 20 minute intermission, got drinks and cookies, and made it back with time to spare. Plenty of bathroom facilities. A great experience overall.
8 years ago (18-01-2018)
On August 8, I purchased tickets online hat were labeled VIP and the tickets I printed were also labeled and designated VIP. The tickets are to an event to be held at Carpenter Theater in February 2017. Today on August 11 I received an email and more than 1 phone call stating that the tickets and offering were not VIP tickets but for a significant amount of more money, I could have VIP tickets. In fact, the email requested me to discard my tickets and reprint them so they would not read VIP. At first this seemed like a scam, and in fact I am not convinced otherwise.
This sounds just like a "bait and switch" scheme that you would expect with a different type of business.
Tomorrow, I will refer this to the Richmond BBB to see how they suggest resolving this.
Does anyone have better ideas?
10/22/2016 POST -
Upon filing a complaint with the Richmond VA BBB, I received a call from the manager, Ms Vogt of the Carpenter Center. She apologized for the miss-hap with the tickets, promised to issue the correct tickets as we made the purchase for and we eventually received the correct tickets in September. I commend the take-charge attitude of Ms. Vogt and correcting a mistake that happened in her absence. This is a wonderful example of a manager focused on Excellent Customer Service! WELL DONE!!
8 years ago (09-01-2018)