Nice church nice people they also hold 12step meetings at different times
7 years ago (16-05-2018)
I live in Springfield VA and I feel a true sense of Worship. I apptended A Church in So Hollywood
Before I married an Air Force Chaplain, the late Chaplain M/gen Richard Carr. We joined National Pres. Following Dick's retirement. Your Church reminds me of the So. Hollywood Church. There is such a joy in the Lord, I am always uplifted. I have been watching through my recovery from two knee surgeries and now
I watch every Sunday, there are times I can't get the ustream to work. 😦
Thank you for your amazing ministry.
Jeanne M Carr
8 years ago (01-10-2017)
This morning 2/2/13 we were at Walmart on 8th street. As we were leaving we had to pass a 1st Pres bus, we watched him pull out and almost hit a car in the traffic lane. After waiting to see what he was going to do next, we went to pass, again he tried to pull out. He was so close to our car I honked believing he didn't see us, he gave us the finger. While we were waiting for a left turn signal they pulled up next to us and someone in the back of the bus got out of their seat to give us the finger again. Stay classy First Presbyterian!!
8 years ago (01-08-2017)
We called this place home for 3 years. An incredible ministry staff that can share the message of Christ and inspire you. We met so many friendly people and the range of services they offer are second to none. If you are looking for a spiritual home, look no further.
9 years ago (08-02-2017)
We moved to Colorado Springs just before Thanksgiving 2014. Our son and his family gifted us with tickets for the lovely Christmas concert sponsored by First Pres downtown at the Pikes Peak Performing Arts Center. We had no idea what a marvelous gift that would be! We arrived early, and absolutely LOVED the many traditional Christmas carols, and the various music styles. We both agreed we had never heard such wonderful Christmas music in our lifetimes. We have continued to visit approximately eight different churches in Colorado Springs, but always seem to return to the downtown location of First Pres. The music absolutely "feeds our souls." Even though there is not presently a senior pastor on the staff, everyone who has been speaking on Sundays from the staff, as well as one guest speaker we heard from Fuller Theological Seminary in CA., have done an excellent job! We have felt very welcome in a totally new environment after living in Atlanta, GA.,
for the past 32 years. We also appreciate the long history of this Christian ministry located downtown
in the city of Colorado Springs, and reaching out to the community as "salt and light."
11 years ago (22-02-2015)