From the moment we stepped through the front door of Forestdale Baptist Church, we have felt like we were home. We have been surrounded by a congregation full of love that has become our second family. In addition to ourselves, our 4 children have grown immensely as Christians through the sound biblical teaching of not only our experienced and discerning Pastor, but also the very knowledgeable Sunday School teachers that guide and shepherd our children. The warm, friendly atmosphere we experience each Sunday makes us look forward to gathering and celebrating with our church family throughout the week on a regular basis. It is a place that strives to serve and encourage each other as well as those around our community. The light of Christ is truly shining bright at Forestdale.
12 years ago (10-12-2013)
I have gone to Forestdale for about seven years now. I’d heard of the church - of its remarkable VBS atmosphere in particular - and of how close-knit it was, and had met several of its members in different contexts before we actually attended. I was not at all disappointed! From the very beginning, Forestdale’s emphasis on small groups and its remarkable friendliness were in strong and welcome contrast to anything I’d encountered before - and, being a pastor’s kid myself, I’d encountered plenty of churches before.
It was remarkably easy to “plug in” at Forestdale. I’d never really managed to feel like I fit in with church women’s groups in particular, and it was amazing to truly be able to be myself with a bunch of women who were very different from each other and from me, and yet would like and love me just as I was! It’s freeing, in this context, to focus on some intense stuff: Beth Moore studies, “The Bible in 90 Days,” lots of challenges!
I was also pleased with the various kinds of curricula used for the children’s teaching (and impressed with the care with which they were selected). Yet beyond that, children and teens are noticed and valued and treated as an important, integral part of this church. I love that.
Actual Forestdale services have a uniquely casual atmosphere with an emphasis on personal testimony and sound Biblical teaching. Seriously, check it out for yourself: You will be able to tell right away that members of the congregation truly care about each other, and are happy to welcome new people of every variety into their midst - and you will be impressed by the down-to-earth, honest exposition and application of Scripture . . . any given Sunday. Sermons are put up regularly on the church's website so anyone can check out this teaching really easily. (I also love the current way that the service’s topics flow right into the discussion time with the pastor during the "discipleship hour" that follows the service.)
After 14 years of Christian education, and lots of Scriptural study since, I can claim a lot of head-knowledge of God’s Word. Yet the Lord continually uses Pastor Glen’s preaching to further challenge me to apply the Bible to my life: to “put feet to my faith.” I am truly grateful for his commitment to our church, to service to others, to our spiritual growth, to helping us maintain loving and Biblically sound responses (in word, deed, and thought) to those in the world around us: whether it’s those close to us or those new to us, whether they are believers or hostile to the faith, whether they’re those who love us or those who don’t. That can be tricky. Things shift, times change, people come and go in our lives (especially by a military base!), circumstances are variable - but the Word of the Lord endures forever, and that’s what Forestdale faithfully presents.
12 years ago (16-02-2014)
A church that truly cares about being a family.
9 years ago (15-03-2016)