I mean some of the teachers are pretty great. Can't say the same for the students. Definitely not the worst school in the world by far.
7 years ago (20-02-2018)
Staff and admin are student focused. A really good group of students. The facility has a very impressive career and tech wing which offers career pathways/certifications in welding, electric, automotive, biomedical, nursing, engineering, computer tech, eairly childhood and culinary.
8 years ago (20-01-2018)
My grandson received a mild concussion after he was startled and another incident he was attacked by another student. The buildings are old and outdated.
8 years ago (16-01-2018)
Ive gone to Grant County since 1st grade. All this stuff about us doing drugs and alcohol, being rude.... all schools have some kids that do that, I don't do it, and I know few that do... and all schools have bullies, and our teachers are fantastic! We are amazing!!
9 years ago (07-12-2016)
Love the facility, some of the teachers need to find a new job, because they don't care about the students education like old school teacher used to. The teachers these days are all about medicating children so they don't have to deal with them.. IDK call me crazy but I'm not a fan..
10 years ago (29-01-2016)