Masha-Allah, This great masjid, being so close to I-35, we(my wife and I) decided to visit it on our way from Dallas to Austin. It was around 10 AM and nobody was there other than us, but still the environment was so nice, clean and welcoming. My wife rearranged one of the book shelves while I prayed a 2 rekaat Salaat(Tahyat) and hopped back on I-35 toward Austin. Jazakallah
8 years ago (26-12-2017)
Not from the area but it was locked during Jummah time
7 years ago (16-03-2018)
assalam o aliakum;please mention prayer timing and specially jummah prayer would be great blessing.jazakallah afzaal chairman president of Waco masjid plz do something good make masjid abad,five time prayers.jz.
9 years ago (31-12-2016)
Mash Allah it's very nice and clean masjid. May Allah multiple every neaberhood, town and city's in the USA. Amiin
9 years ago (21-12-2016)
Peaceful and beautiful small Masjid
8 years ago (17-06-2017)