I am Carolyn Nguyen and I am currently a student in section 5-2 in the 2017-2018 school year at Masterman. This school is great. They teach you many things here, and if you don't understand anything, they have tutoring. Most or all of the students here are friendly. You will enjoy it here. You have recess on the roof, and it may be hard in the beginning, but it is great here. Even on field trips, you learn something new! The only thing is that the food here isn't the best, but it's O.K.
7 years ago (01-05-2018)
Masterman is a generally advanced school. They make their students work hard. The teachers aren't the best, but, there are always some that will reach you in your time there. Honestly, most students don't want to continue going here as the pressure put on many students is almost unbearable. A lot of people are lazy (myself included), but as long as you study(yes, actually study) for tests you'll do fine. It might also be best for you to go to your neighborhood schools. As a seventh grader, I can say that this year is the hardest by far. Don't go here if you can't handle what you're already working on, that's my input.
7 years ago (06-06-2018)
I go here and the food is great you may want plastic bags for your feet in the boys bathroom on the second floor it has many floors 6 including the basment and roof the people are very nice and the food is too
8 years ago (02-04-2018)
I'm a 6th grader in the 2017-18 school year. Going to Masterman has been the best years of my life. A lot of people can't handle the work. You have to be ready to work, and slackers won't cut it. If you can't handle lots of work at home and school, don't come here. Right now, there are a lot of people at Masterman that shouldn't be here. If you can't take the load, don't pollute Masterman's great community.
Food is pretty bad, so bring your own lunch. All the teachers are great and you actually learn things, unlike some other schools. There are a lot of clubs open to everybody, and they are actually fun. Just watch out for dead (or alive) mice and cockroaches!
If you can handle a lot of work, and don't overly misbehave, then Masterman is the place for you.
8 years ago (04-01-2018)
This school is amazing, the kids are smart, the staff is caring, and it is wonderfully diverse.
7 years ago (15-05-2018)