Recently renovated (new machines in the last couple of years). Well maintained workout floor. Full amenities one seeks in a gym. Locker room removed the carpeting, so it smells a whole lot better than it used to! Older wood lockers, bit larger enough to hold your day clothes and a gym bag. Large, clean shower stalls with curtains for privacy. A fair sized sauna that used to breakdown regularly, but no more (for the past year).
The cleaning staff is always busy and very friendly. Olympic pool, handball courts, basketball court, jazzercise room and cycle room too. Also a kiddie room for parents trying to maintain their physiques. As previously stated... Full amenities.
7 years ago (06-05-2018)
Someone deleted my review from here cause there was too much truth. So here it is again:
The remodel looks great. Less carpet, upgraded and more equipment. The arrangement can use some change because the cable equipment is far too close for comfort. Turn around to do some fly's and you might be kissing someone's face or ass, depending on what exercise they are doing.
Some of the plate loading equipment have been shuffled around out of order of the muscle group you are targeting. I guess that is petty, but it has some of us scratching our heads.
Otherwise, I can say that it is a nice facility and I missed it when they were renovating it.
I do have issues with their preacher benches, you can't adjust the height on them.
Also the new bench presses. The hooks need to go. Makes it harder to re-rack the bar. Caught a couple people, including myself trying to get over the hook after sets and have to set it on the hook below or worse case- have the bar come down on your grill.
The worse part about being a member of this gym or any gym in that matter, some of the people go just to socialize. There are a selective handful of people who spend more time talking and getting in the way than working out. Go to a Starbucks and talk. Go outside. Go away. The same people also don't know how to re-rack the weights. I made it clear one day with one dude. I waited until a young lady goes over to the incline bench to re-rack the weights he used over a half hour ago. I went over to her and said, "No, don't put those back for him, hold on." I yell over at him across the gym, "Hey! you using this still?!" He goes, "Oh I was still using it." Yah, whatever dude. No you weren't you tool. It was sitting there unattended while you were on a machine elsewhere talking to the staff member that is part of your little gossip circle jerk. Do us all a favor and start using the gym as what it is there for and maybe then, just maybe you will look like you actually workout. Save your time trying to pick up women for the club or bar.
7 years ago (06-04-2018)
So for 35.99 a month, no one santatizes the equipment. That's disgusting. No 24hr access. The front desk people could be better. They are usually lazy and don't even say hi. I've been to better more exclusive gyms for less money with better benefits.
7 years ago (11-02-2018)
Awesome establishment great equipment and professional friendly staff
7 years ago (26-05-2018)
Clean, organized, available, close to home, great training, broad range of equipment, likable capable staff. What's not to like.
7 years ago (10-02-2018)