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California Cool Thrift Store
39 km
This is the best thrift store by far in the 5 cities area. The tops are organized b...
When I first started going there their prices were really good for used stuff but I'm noticing they're getting a little silly on some of their prices. Everything is donated to them so I expect them to keep the prices low at all times especially if it's used/missing pieces or just dirty. They definitely out beat Goodwill 100% but I'm hoping they don't turn out like them 🤷 other than that the staff is great. Totally sweet, always working. You never see them just standing there doing nothing.
8 years ago (20-04-2018)
A wonderful place for looking for that special thing that needs to be a part your home. You meet smart shoppers in pursuit of that mystery item wishing to be adopted by a deserving household.
7 years ago (05-05-2018)
Everything is so organized. I actually found a 8mm projector to watch some movies my father had and want to put on CD.
7 years ago (22-05-2018)
I love all the ladies in this store. I feel so happy every time I go there and feel even better by the personal treatment they show each customer. They are friendly and you can feel there is a specialness about each one of those ladies. The store is clean and decorated so nicely. Thanks NCCTS for the effort you all put into your store and customers.
Update.. I still love this store. When you are having a bad day it's a great place to go ,the assistant manager there helps you out any way she can, either it's praying or a little discount. She makes you feel special! Still clean with prices so much lower then other places!
8 years ago (14-12-2017)
You need it, they probably have it. Hugh clean store and tons of merchandise. Staff go out of their way to assist in servicing you. I recommend you check it out. You'll be smiling
8 years ago (08-03-2018)