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#LetsGuide. Ample place and with a high qualification of teaching in the area of Design and Art. It has qualified professionals and a good education. The place is well centralized and well known. It also has a bathroom and an accessible entrance for wheelchair users. Great place. What is better is the very diverse and good content. Recommended. Satisfactory location
7 years ago (23-05-2018)
Why would you host a fashion show that took up all the parking during finals week? Any other week would have been fine but they did it during finals when students already have enough on there plate and cant afford to miss there final. Sending out a last minute email to warn students about the very limited parking and recommending them to take ubers is not a viable alternative to students on a budget who cant afford a $30+ Uber ride.
8 years ago (04-05-2018)
im not in college yet but this is my dream school
8 years ago (19-04-2018)
Detail my daughter experience in this Arts and design college is amazing.
8 years ago (22-10-2017)