Now there's a good school I'd find. This has got the radical staff and the amazing students. There is nothing wrong, I must say.... After all, I am getting used to it.
8 years ago (26-07-2017)
This school has drugs they don’t watch kids there literally like drug school but worse because i go to this school and i see everyday kids being bullied and i also see kids doing coke in the facilities and I reporte it and no teacher is doing something there just “seeing who ever is acting out of place and then they asume a kid that never did anything. I got in trouble for a kid slamming my locker and saying the F word and the M.F word and i got mad because i was asumed that i said it but no these other kids did it.
8 years ago (04-10-2017)
Good school but miss wattson sucks she's rude she doesn't give homework but sill messed up
8 years ago (15-09-2017)
Pine is really not that bad of a school.
Sure, it looks like a prison on the outside, but it's the inside that counts! The staff and kids are friendly and welcoming, and you can make friends that'll hold memories.
Everyone has a lot of fun there, the staff comes up with fun activities, and the kids try to make the most out of it.
The principal, Mr. Boudreau, can seem strict, however, he just wants the best for every kid, making sure everyone grows up to be the person they want to be; the character they want to have.
It's a great school, being very inviting, and very nice, so if it's where you'd want your kid to go, I suggest this school.
-Megan Flynn, former 7th grader that attends this school
8 years ago (06-06-2017)
Really good school totally recommend it, it's A lot better than elementary school
8 years ago (01-09-2017)