Wanted to buy a custom fit bike seat. Not in stock. Have to pay for them to order it. No refunds. But it's supposed to be custom fit. Duh
7 years ago (26-05-2018)
Good place to find the occasional bargain for camping, hiking, biking, swimming and other sports gear and clothing.
Huge amount of items organized fairly well. All the stock is on the floor. The store is enormous, and items can be hard to find, but the staff is helpful and friendly.
8 years ago (10-04-2018)
The place took over an old skating arena and converted into a store. So you can imagine the size of it. They pretty much sell everything sports related goods and clothing here EXCEPT golf stuff (although you see it's name pop up when you search golf store in google).
8 years ago (21-04-2018)
Overpriced, but a comprehensive product line. I purchased a mountaineering backpack just in time for my trip. The sales woman was knowledgeable and helped me find one that suits my need.
7 years ago (05-06-2018)
There is a growing trend around the country as America seems to be growing cruel and less caring, and that is fat shaming. It is something that happens regularly in businesses and especially clothing stores. You see, it seems that someone incredibly shallow in the upper management at this company and a handful of others that I have run into in the past have decided that the image of having fat people in their store doesn't put forward the kind of image they want so they do whatever they can to keep the "right kind of people" coming into their store in order to keep up their trendy image.
What am I supposed to think about myself when I goto a sporting goods store and they tell me through their selection that they do not want people like me as a customer? There was literally not one item of clothing or shoes in the entire store that I could buy. I am only a 4XL or maybe even a 3XL on a good day, and this store didn't carry a single item for anyone larger than normal.
I talked to the manager and pleaded with him to get bigger sizes, he tells me he has no control and can only recommend to the buyers they get bigger sizes. I am told to leave a note (of which there were none lying around I had to ask an employee to find me one) in this dusty old comment box up front that the manager promises he checked just last week...
The manager has told me that I am not the first to complain, to which I replied then why isn't there a single item of clothing for bigger people? Again, I am told it is the buyers and all he can do is pass along the word... So here is my word...
This place discriminates against heavy people and refuses to carry any size larger than a 2XL despite being told repeatedly by larger people there is a need for the items. If you have a social conscience and have read this message I encourage you to please go somewhere else. I am 6'8" and 330 pounds and face accidental discrimination all the time. This however does not seem accidental. The manager himself admitted on numerous occasions he has been told he needs to carry sizes for actual athlete sized people and those pleas have gone ignored.
Of course, its hard to really tell what is true, and what the manager was just making up on the spot to get me out of the door... One thing is clear though... They have no intention on stocking any sizes larger than XXL.
Finally, if you have read this review and my pleas for social justice are not enough for you to not shop here; I encourage you to at least point out to them that they are essentially shaming fat people by telling them they are not welcome in their store by not carrying a single item a overweight person could wear.
I went in with a friend so we could get a workout outfit. Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is when you are told there is not one single item in the largest sporting goods store you have ever seen that fits?
This place has really made me feel bad about being big. It is obvious they don't want people there like me and if you are above a 2XL they don't want people like you either...
8 years ago (03-02-2018)