My son just graduated from St. Michael's High School last week after attending the school for four years. I can't say enough good things about this school. From day one of his admission interview, the administration made it very clear to him and to us as parents that going to college after completing SMHS is NON NEGOTIABLE. The school emphasises standards of morals, values, and respect for the students themselves and respect for others. When I go to the school the students greet me and hold the door open for me. May seem like a small thing but now-a-days when kids have zero respect for themselves or others this means a lot to me as a parent. The school is Catholic but respects and values all faiths. Their motto, "Enter to learn, leave to serve" is the foundation the school stands on. The education at St. Michaels High School is in my opinion is the best in Santa Fe. The teachers are dedicated, professional and extremely knowledgable in their fields of study. Don't expect this school to look like Prep with extensive Lacrosse fields and fancy buildings. This school puts it's money where it's mouth is EDUCATION. My son struggles with a learning disability and the teachers and couselor Doug Enloe have served my son's needs while also challenging him to thrive academically at a college level.. As far as the reputation SMHS might have for being only good for students who are sports oriented, that really couldn't really be farther from the truth. My son is not into sports at all and has found his niche with some of the most beautiful and respectful friends that I am so grateful for. My son has flourished and grown into a confidant, academic, and beautiful young man. I have St. Michael's High School teachers and administrators to thank for this. Don't hesitate to chose this school for your family; It will be the best investment you will ever make for your child. God Bless St. Michaels High School.
7 years ago (19-05-2018)
Great traditions. A safe and rewarding environment for students to grow and learn. I have had two children at St. Mike's and I would not have sent them anywhere else.
8 years ago (13-03-2018)
St. Michael’s High School is the best high school in New Mexico. My wife and I are St. Michael’s Alumni (‘83 and ‘84), and we made the decision to send our children to St. Michael's to get the same quality education and have the great high school experiences that we were so fortunate to receive. Now we have three more St. Michael’s Alumni in our family - 2013, 2015 and 2018. More importantly, St. Michael’s prepared our children for life after high school and they have received, or will be receiving, college degrees four years after graduating from St. Michael’s (UNM-2017, UNM-2019, and Grand Canyon University-2022). Thank you St. Michael’s for all you do for your students. Go Horsemen!
8 years ago (14-03-2018)
I have two children at SMHS and absolutely made the best decision to invest in their education. The teachers and faculty genuinely care about my children and know each student by name. We are actively involved parents and know what goes on at the school at any given time because of the constant communication from the school. Students that graduate from SMHS are not only prepared for college, but have been given the tools necessary to be successful beyond high school into adulthood.
8 years ago (09-02-2018)
St.Mikes provides the most well rounded experience because we all know school is more than just academic. Rigorous academics, competitive athletics, service, faith, extracurricular, fellowship, diversity, tradition, self discipline, family and the list goes on. I am beyond grateful for what this school has done for my children. Life isn't always easy, you don't always win or get that favorite teacher or the easy A. Conflict is part of growth, learning to serve and giving to others is part of success, faith in something bigger than ourselves teaches us humility and trust and that the world is bigger than me, giving is more rewarding than receiving. I love this school and everything is represents. There really is a St.Michael's Difference.
8 years ago (05-10-2017)